Booking Form Booking Request Form Please complete the information below as thoroughly as possible to allow us to consider your booking. Step 1 of 4 25% Your DetailsNamePhone numberEmail address Organisation nameOrganisation website Charity registration number (if relevant)How did you hear about Neal Street Espresso? Event DetailsName of event and brief purposeRequested date(s) and time(s)Is this a one-off or regular booking? One-off Regular How many people are expected?What space is needed? Meeting room Coffee shop (evenings only) Equipment and FacilitiesDo you need any equipment Flip chart Wi-fi Large screen TV Webcam How would you like the room laid out? Boardroom Classroom Theatre U-shaped Other Other room layoutWill you be ordering the Neal Street Espresso refreshment package? Standard (instant teas and coffees for you to make yourselves in the Meeting Space) Filter coffees Filter coffee and pastries Toasties Sandwiches Soups/stews Tab with the coffee shop to be added to your invoice None AccessIf this is an evening event will you require Neal Street Espresso staff to be on site (at an extra charge) or are you happy to be a key holder for the event? I require staff to be on site I will be a key holder Are you aware how to evacuate the building if a fire occurs/alarm sounds? If not, we will provide training before your event. Yes No